Dropping SAT from college admissions hurts minorities in the name of wokeness 以“觉醒”为名,大学录取程序取消SAT成绩将伤害少数族裔 by Kenny Xu May 22, 2020 02:55 PM 【译者注:Kenny Xu is another recipient of SVCAF’s Voice of Chinese Americans Award. He published this opinion article in Washington Examiner on May 22, 2020】 (“觉醒”是政治术语:...
Read More209号法案:加州的平权行动之战暴露了直接民主制的深层缺陷
Proposition 209: How California’s Battle Over Affirmative Action Exposed Deep Flaws with Direct Democracy 209号法案:加州的平权行动之战暴露了直接民主制的深层缺陷 Claremont Journal of Law and Public Policy / March 23, 2018 By Wesley Whitaker (CMC ’18) 译者按:加州是否修改宪法取消209法案的争议越演越烈。本文作者可以看出是反对209的,因为文章有明显的倾向性。不过写的209法案从开始的一个想法到最后公投成功后面的历史背景和过程,对今天的现实也很有参考价值。强烈推荐关心按肤色搞特殊照顾政策的朋友读读。 90年代的209法案成败的核心基于一个深度的民意调查。发起者密切注意围绕平权行动的用词和公众观点的民意调查数据。他们的发现非常惊人:对平权行动计划的支持根据问题的措辞有大幅度的波动。一项民意调查发现:当在不使用配额系统的情况下询问是否会支持平权行动时,75%的调查对象表示支持,其中包括白人中的71%。然而当问到他们是否会支持比起同等资格的白人对少数族裔候选人给予基于种族的优待的系统时,72%的白人调查对象和42%的黑人调查对象给出了负面答案。 所以大概结论是:公投关键看双方用哪种措辞来赢得选民的选票。 Introduction 介绍 While discussions of affirmative action typically revolve around the decisions...
Read More请立即在WheresMyBallot注册保护您11月的投票!
加州选民,请立即注册WheresMyballot,以保护您的11月的投票! 作者:EIP-Ca (加州选举完整项目) 立法监督总监Ruth Weiss, ruthweiss@eip-ca.com 加利福尼亚圣克拉丽塔。由于加州AB 860法案的生效,今年11月普选所有加利福尼亚州的选民将收到邮寄选票。这引起了许多担心,其中一个担心是邮寄选票的丢失。今年3月份初选时丢失的选票数量达到数十万! 为确保在11月的选举中不会发生这种选票丢失的情况,请立即前往 WheresMyBallot.sos.ca.gov进行注册以接收有关您的选票的电子邮件,SMS(短信)和/或语音呼叫通知。我刚刚做了,大约只需要20秒。 注册后,当选举时间到来时,您会收到如下通知: 您的选票由您的选举办公室(或供应商)放到邮件中您的选票在10月5日至10月9日之间邮寄出来邮政的预计递送日期如果它未能如期到达,您可以致电取消并更换,以防止有人用你的名字进行选票欺诈什么时候选举办公室收到您的选票您的选票被计算或拒绝如果被拒绝:为什么以及可以采取的步骤如果在特定日期之前未收到您的选票会提醒您。 目前加州58县中的52个县正在提供这项服务。(请看文章最后有关列表)。如果您的县尚未提供此服务,请点击此处,了解如何检查你的选票。 在忘记之前,请立即执行此操作。然后告诉每个人您都知道。 WheresMyBallot.sos.ca.gov 下面的县提供WheresMyBallot选票跟踪服务 AmadorButteCalaverasColusaContra CostaDel NorteEl DoradoFresnoGlennHumboldtInyoKernKingsLakeLassenLos AngelesMaderaMarinMariposaMendocinoMercedMonoMontereyNapaNevadaOrangePlacerPlumasRiversideSacramentoSan BenitoSan BernardinoSan DiegoSan FranciscoSan JoaquinSan Luis ObispoSan MateoSanta BarbaraSanta ClaraSanta CruzShastaSiskiyouSonomaStanislausSutterTehamaTrinityTulareTuolumneVenturaYoloYuba 点击此处,可以直接转向选票跟踪网站
Read MoreACA-5, 一只披着羊皮的狼
编者按:Mr. Haibo Huang is one of the recipients of SVCAF's Voice of Chinese Americans Award. He published an op ed about ACA-5 in San Diego Union Tribune on June 9th. Here is his unabridged article in both English and Chinese. ACA-5 is a Wolf-in-Sheep’s-ClothingACA-5, 一只披着羊皮的狼...
Read MoreSVCAF Accepts Nominations for the Voice of Chinese Americans Award
SVCAF announces a new program to recognize Chinese Americans who publish influential articles which help advance the mission of SVCAF. A recipient of this award will get a certificate and a small honorarium. Criteria The articles are related to at least one of the items...
Read MoreUnitedUSA 致信赞赏SVCAF为抗击新冠疫情所付出的努力
Since late March this year, SVCAF has collected ~$50,000 donations from the Chinese American communities to purchase and deliver masks for local charities, hospitals, police stations, small businesses, senior homes, and so on. We just got a thank-you letter today! For hospitals or essential businesses...
Read MoreAsian American Coalition Condemns California Asian American Legislators’ Scapegoating All Children for Votes
For Immediate Release June 14, 2020 Fremont, San Diego & Irving, California: Representing a diverse and broad-based coalition of concerned organizations to oppose Assembly Constitutional Amendment ACA 5, the Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation (SVCAF), San Diego Asian Americans for Equality (SDAAFE), TOC Foundation and...
Read MoreSVCAF Condemns ADOS for Sabotaging a Racial Equality Movement
For Immediate Release June 8, 2020 FREMONT, Calif. — On behalf of a growing civil rights campaign against state government-sponsored racial discrimination, the Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation (SVCAF) denounces the insidious attempts of American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) to incite racial tension. Under the...
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