- About
- Education
- Projects
- Donations
- Announcements
- [Action!] SVCAF Calls for Santa Clara Voters to Oppose Unjustified Voting Adjudication
- 【行动!】请致信给圣县参事禁止对Under Vote进行人工裁决
- Harvard Amicus Brief Filed by SVCAF
- CFER, SVCAF Call for Equal Treatment and Unity in Response to Rising Anti-Asian Crimes
- SVCAF Condemns ADOS for Sabotaging a Racial Equality Movement
- Asian American Coalition Condemns California Asian American Legislators’ Scapegoating All Children for Votes
- Asian American Coalition Calls on Democrat Senator Richard Pan to Oppose Legislation Prioritizing Racial Preference
- Mask4Seniors Happening Again!
- SVCAF Urging for Immediate Actions for COVID-19 Pandemic
- 2020新年伊始,SVCA 基金会祝您元旦快乐,健康平安!
- SVCA基金会2019年会报告
- End Racial Discrimination: Lawsuit at Critical Juncture
- SVCA基金会荣获州众议员Baker颁发的“Non-Profit of the Month”奖
- Annual Reports
- Contact Us
Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation Officers
XPresident: Chunhua Liao
Secretary: Cheny Gao
Vice President: Tony Guan
Vice President: Jeff Tang
Treasurer: Bu He
Contact info: info@svcaf.org
Incorporated in April 2015, Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation (SVCAF) is a nonprofit grassroot organization working to promote the involvement of Chinese communities in public affairs and public policy in the United States.
Contact Info
Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation
EIN: 47-3798752
39510 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Suite 310,
Fremont, CA 94538
Email: info@svcaf.org
Phone: (650) 285-1819