编者按:Mr. Haibo Huang is one of the recipients of SVCAF’s Voice of Chinese Americans Award. He published an op ed about ACA-5 in San Diego Union Tribune on June 9th. Here is his unabridged article in both English and Chinese. […]

SVCAF announces a new program to recognize Chinese Americans who publish influential articles which help advance the mission of SVCAF. A recipient of this award will get a certificate and a small honorarium. Criteria The articles are related to at […]

Since late March this year, SVCAF has collected ~$50,000 donations from the Chinese American communities to purchase and deliver masks for local charities, hospitals, police stations, small businesses, senior homes, and so on. We just got a thank-you letter today! […]

For Immediate Release June 14, 2020 Fremont, San Diego & Irving, California: Representing a diverse and broad-based coalition of concerned organizations to oppose Assembly Constitutional Amendment ACA 5, the Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation (SVCAF), San Diego Asian Americans for […]

For Immediate Release June 8, 2020 FREMONT, Calif. — On behalf of a growing civil rights campaign against state government-sponsored racial discrimination, the Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation (SVCAF) denounces the insidious attempts of American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) to […]

编者按:圣拉蒙山谷联合学区(San Ramon Valley Unified School District)最近赔偿亚裔学生65万美元的案子在本地引起巨大反响。Nextdoor上邻居们七嘴八舌争论不休。很多不明真相的群众认为受害者家庭滥用诉讼让学区就范,舆论一时对亚裔受害者家庭非常不利。SVCAF三年里一直跟受害者一家保持联系,了解其中艰辛。幸好有真正花时间阅读法庭公开文件的居民写了案件的总结。现摘录如下,让华人社区也清楚本案的来龙去脉。 Case summary 案件摘要 I read the original complaint filed when this all started back in 2017, and the one in these documents looks pretty much the same, with apparently some amendments along […]

[IMPORTANT update on Free Masks for Seniors ] Up till 4/10 17:08, all of our existing available masks are all donated out, including the masks for seniors. Thus we are pausing the online request and delivery service for seniors until […]

北加州东湾的丹维尔的学生在针对圣拉蒙山谷联合学区的言论自由的诉讼中获得和解,将获665,000美元及公开道歉 编者按: 三年前一位叫Nate Yu的亚裔学生被他所在高中校方暴凌,他和同学制作的喜剧搞笑视频被污蔑为“种族主义”、“仇视穆斯林”。老师的朋友、同为本校家长而在社区十分有影响力的人物甚至在Facebook贴大字散播谣言,引起社区不了解真相的人在社交网络上围攻未成年孩子,使Nate和他的父母、弟弟、妹妹深受身心的迫害,导致三个孩子数周不能上学。Nate和他的父母对学区提起诉讼,状告学区侵害学生言论自由。他们遭到的不公待遇在华裔社区引起公愤。三年后,案子在庭外和解了。 大家应该记得Yu家三年前用gofundme向社区求助,筹款打官司告学区。加州甚至外州很多朋友都慷慨捐款。本地的朋友不少也参加了学区会议,声援受害者及他的家庭,谴责学区和老师捕风捉影迫害亚裔学生。Nate Yu因为勇敢发声获得2018年度SVCA基金会的The Voice of Asian Americans Scholarship。 他们的诉讼历时长达三年,当初Nate是high school senior,如今已经大三。漫长的诉讼过程中Yu家爸爸妈妈把自己为退休存留的资金和给孩子上大学存的学费拿出来打官司。除了巨大的经济压力之外,Yu家面对“社区领袖”和他们的附和者对儿子的personality assassination,面对无数不解实情听信谣言的群众的白眼,仍然坚持做“硬骨头”。试想一个移民家庭,与掌握着孩子生杀大权的校方和学区官员针锋相对;一份普通工薪阶层的薪水苦苦支撑律师费用,与有雄厚资金支持的学区律师团队相比,如鸡蛋碰石头。Yu家知道自己选择的诉讼道路是不可为而为之,为的是给孩子讨一个公道,也为了其他孩子不会继续受到Nate遭遇的迫害。他们打赢官司,警告了行事不公的学区及其领导,正面回击了利用拿政治正确做幌子对当事人无限上纲上线、甚至谋取私利的恶劣行径,避免类似的群体性霸凌亚裔学生的事件再次发生。 本文转载翻译本地报纸对该案的最新报道,仅供参考 Case stemmed from discipline for ASB president-elect over controversial ‘parody video’ in 2017 这起诉讼源于2017年学生会主席选举时对有争议的“搞笑视频”的惩戒 by Ryan J. Degan The San Ramon Valley Unified School […]

[IMPORTANT on Free Masks for Seniors ] Up till 4/10 17:08, all of our existing available masks are all donated out, including the masks for seniors. Thus we are pausing the online request and delivery service for seniors until future […]

We will need your: 0. To be a California based hospital, senior center or essential local business. 1. Legal Disclaimer (liability release form) 2. Verifiable Title and Contacts 3.Receipt 4.Pictures with donated PPE In order to qualify for donations from […]