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- CFER, SVCAF Call for Equal Treatment and Unity in Response to Rising Anti-Asian Crimes
- SVCAF Condemns ADOS for Sabotaging a Racial Equality Movement
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- Asian American Coalition Calls on Democrat Senator Richard Pan to Oppose Legislation Prioritizing Racial Preference
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For Immediate Release
June 8, 2020
FREMONT, Calif. — On behalf of a growing civil rights campaign against state government-sponsored racial discrimination, the Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation (SVCAF) denounces the insidious attempts of American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) to incite racial tension. Under the pretense of racial justice, ADOS operatives have relentlessly denigrated the Asian-American community and its grassroot representatives who have been courageously fighting against discrimination since 2014.
ADOS’s deliberate tactics of defamation and intimidation were intended to silence SVCAF’s opposition to a controversial bill ACA-5, which would reinstitute government preferences in California’s public programs.
On June 3, 2020, a Zoom townhall meeting regarding ACA-5 was organized by June Yang Cutter, a candidate for California’s Assembly District 77. The townhall was hijacked by a group of ADOS members who rudely interrupted all featured speakers and chanted inflammatory rhetoric. Afterwards, ADOS started trolling the “#NoOnACA5” twitter account and circulating racist comments against Asian Americans. It even made death threats at civil rights leader Ward Connerly who champions the racial equality campaign. In several social media posts, ADOS labels Chinese Americans as “bat-eating” “white supremacists,” and insulted Asians’ cultural heritage.
“SVCAF strongly protests ADOS’s malicious attacks on our fight against government discrimination based on race and gender. During the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing social unrest, racist and xenophic actions such as ADOS’s only serve to incite hate crimes against Asian-American communities,” states SVCAF President Crystal Lu.
She continues, “Reviving racial preferences in government programs, as intended by ACA-5, does nothing to solve structural issues impacting disadvantaged or underserved communities in California. ACA-5 supporters are at best offering a political bandage decorated with toxic identity politics and tribalism.”
Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation
MEDIA CONTACT: info@svcaf.org
About SVCAF: https://www.svcaf.org/.
Contact Info
Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation
EIN: 47-3798752
39510 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Suite 310,
Fremont, CA 94538
Email: info@svcaf.org
Phone: (650) 285-1819