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List of Educational Articles

普法话题 | General Law

  1. 《知道你的权利 — 当遭遇执法人员时》中英文对照版本 v1.0 |«Know Your Rights — When encountering law enforcement officers» Chinese and English v1.0
  2. 加州《枪支安全证书学习手册》的中英文对照版本 v1.0 and 2.0 | California Firearms Safety Certificate Study Manual: Chinese-English
  3. 美国普法文章:限制联邦调用军队国内执法的“治安官动员法”
  4. 科普:排华法案 Chinese Exclusion Act
  5. 美国党派分裂的根源 The Roots of Our Partisan Divide
  6. 加州公投捐款的相关法律法规初探 v 0.1
  7. 联邦选举委员会关于外国人参与选举的规则
  8. 《加州竞选财务和选票提案指南 》中英文对照版本
  10. 加利福尼亚州未成年人医疗同意和保密法(手机版)

选民教育 | Voter Education

  1. 投票提案的命运往往取决于其措辞|Fate of Ballot Measures Often Depends on the Wording
  2. ACA-5, 一只披着羊皮的狼|ACA-5 is a Wolf-in-Sheep’s-Clothing
  3. 209号法案:加州的平权行动之战暴露了直接民主制的深层缺陷|Proposition 209: How California’s Battle Over Affirmative Action Exposed Deep Flaws with Direct Democracy
  4. 随着向每位选民邮寄选票,加州选举的廉正性受到威胁|California Election Integrity in Jeopardy With Vote-by-Mail Ballots to Every Voter

非赢利组织话题 | Non-Profit Organizations

  1. 501(c)(3)非盈利组织可以做哪些事情?哪些事情不能做?| 501(c)(3) What a non-profit organization can and cannot do
  2. 通过雇主把义工小时换钱捐非盈利组织 | Through employers, volunteer hours changed to donations for non-profit organizations
  3. 如何在加州注册501(c)(3)非赢利公益组织 v0.2 草稿版 | How to create a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit corporation in California v0.2 draft
  4. 是的,非营利组织可以并且应该把政治倡导作为核心能力|Yes, You Can—and Should! Nonprofit Advocacy as a Core Competency
  5. 非盈利组织可进行游说|Non-Profit Organizations CAN Lobby
  6. 501c3提交501(h)选择的好处|Benefits of Filing the 501(h) Election

职业发展 | Career Development

  1. 成为沃伦•巴菲特 2017 HBO纪录片| Becoming Warren Buffett 2017 HBO Documentary Films
  2. 巴菲特在佛罗里达大学商学院的演讲| Buffett Lecture at the University of Florida School of Business October 15, 1998
  3. Jason Lu 职场讲座笔记
  4. 详解硅谷华人为什么拼不过印度人 资料备份

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