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SVCA 基金会恳请大家捐款支持Election Integrity Project® California (EIPCa),捍卫加州选举的公正性, 基金会提供2000美元配捐。
Election Integrity Project® California (EIPCa) 是一个由美国公民志愿者组成的无党派团体,旨在通过保护我们的自由和方式的投票过程的完整性来履行我们积极参与我们州/国家治理的责任。 EIPCa 志愿者通过在政府部门中保持积极作用来保护我们的共和国,一个民有政府,民有政府,民享政府,赋予公民我们最基本的权利——通过公平和诚实的选举选择我们的代表的权利。
最近(2022年11月21日)加州第九巡回法院裁定:选举诚信项目®加利福尼亚州有资格挑战加利福尼亚州的选举法律、法规和程序。法庭认为:选举诚信项目®加利福尼亚州 (EIPCa) 以及最近和未来的国会候选人有权挑战加州选举法律、法规、政策和程序的合宪性,因为它们涉嫌 削弱或消除选举过程中的诚信。尽管宪法赋予州立法者通过法律来管理选举和处理选票的权力,但 EIPCa 声称他们没有全权通过降低合法选票价值的法律的权力。
在过去十年中,加利福尼亚州通过的法律、行政命令和法规导致了大量违规行为,在 2020 年大选中达到顶峰,当时纽森州长授权向选民名册上的所有“活跃”登记人邮寄选票,前国务卿亚历克斯帕迪拉废除了签名验证要求。 EIPCa 收到了 700 多份受过 EIPCa 培训的观察员签署的宣誓书,如果作伪证将受到处罚,这些观察员一直报告说选举工作人员没有充分核实签名,在某些情况下,还对没有签名的选票进行清点。
由于州立法机关和亚历克斯帕迪拉都不规定统一和安全的投票和计票程序,因此各县采用的投票程序参差不齐。 EIPCa 及其共同原告对纽森州长、司法部长、国务卿和 13 个县登记官提起了诉讼。
“这起诉讼具有里程碑意义,因为它是第一次挑战加州选举法和程序的合宪性,而我们是第一个取得诉讼资格的人,”为信仰与自由倡导者工作的首席律师玛丽亚·贡代罗 (Mariah Gondeiro) 说。 “如果我们赢了,加州将被要求执行安全和统一的投票和计票程序。”
“十多年来,选举诚信项目®California EIPCa 主席琳达·潘恩 (Linda Paine) 说:“我们研究并记录了加州选举过程的各个方面,并确定了这些法律如何将选举日变成了充满易于操纵程序的 60 天选举季。” “我们现在看到全国各州的加州风格法律造成了同样的问题,这些问题多年来在加州由接受过 EIPCa 培训的观察员已经目睹和记录过。”
关于 Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. (EIPCa) (www.eip-ca.com):捐款链接: https://www.eip-ca.com/donate/ 需要配捐的请发送收据到 info@svcaf.org 。
Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. (“EIPCa”) 是一家加州501C3非营利性公益公司,致力于通过教育捍卫自己的利益、研究和倡导美国公民根据联邦和州法律充分参与选举过程的公民权利。
The Election Integrity Project® California (EIPCa) is a nonpartisan group of U.S. citizen volunteers seeking to fulfill our duty to actively participate in the governing of our state/country by helping to ensure the integrity of the voting process that protects our freedoms and way of life. EIPCa volunteers seek to protect our Republic, a government of, by, and for the people by maintaining an active role in that part of government which empowers citizens with our most fundamental right ~ the right to choose our representatives by fair and honest elections.

11/21/2022, Santa Clarita, California – The Ninth Circuit has ruled that Election Integrity Project®California (EIPCa) and recent and future congressional candidates have standing to challenge the Constitutionality of California’s election laws, regulations, policies and procedures that have weakened or removed integrity from the election process. Though the Constitution gives authority to state legislators to pass laws to manage elections and process ballots, EIPCa asserts they do not have carte blanche authority to pass laws that diminish the value of the lawfully cast ballots.
The decision remanded the lawsuit to the lower court for discovery, which is the next phase of the litigation.
Over the last decade California has passed laws, orders and regulations that have led to massive irregularities, culminating in the 2020 election, when Governor Newsom authorized mailing a ballot to all “active” registrants on the voter rolls and former Secretary of State Alex Padilla gutted signature verification requirements. EIPCa received over 700 affidavits signed under penalty of perjury from EIPCa-trained observers who consistently reported election workers not adequately verifying signatures and, in some cases, counting ballots without signatures.
Because neither the state legislature nor Alex Padilla required uniform and secure vote casting and counting procedures, uneven procedures were applied across counties. EIPCa and its co-plaintiffs filed this lawsuit against Governor Newsom, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, and thirteen country registrars.
“This lawsuit is monumental because it is the first to challenge the constitutionality of California’s election laws and procedures, and we are the first to get past standing,” says Mariah Gondeiro, the lead attorney who works for Advocates for Faith and Freedom. “If we win, California will be required to enforce secure and uniform vote casting and vote counting procedures.”
“For over a decade, Election Integrity Project®California has researched and documented every aspect of California’s election process and identified how these laws transformed an Election Day into a 60-day election season fraught with easy to manipulate procedures,” says Linda Paine, President of EIPCa. “We are now seeing California Style laws in states across the country creating the same problems that have been witnessed and documented by EIPCa-trained observers in California for years.”
Donation Link: https://www.eip-ca.com/donate/
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Contact Info
Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation
EIN: 47-3798752
39510 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Suite 310,
Fremont, CA 94538
Email: info@svcaf.org
Phone: (650) 285-1819