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The Federal Election Commission (hereafter FEC) often receives questions about the rules governing foreign nationals’ participation in U.S. elections. While this article responds to some of the most common questions, it does not cover all aspects of foreign national activity. Readers should consult the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act) and Commission regulations, advisory opinions, and relevant case law for additional information. For questions involving proposed activity for which there may not be clear guidance, you may consider requesting your own advisory opinion (AO) from the Commission. Please note, however, that the Commission’s jurisdiction is limited to provisions of the Act and does not include other laws that may also apply to foreign national activity.
The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:
法案和本委员会法规包括广泛禁止外国人活动参与到美国选举当中。主要由 《美国法典》§30121条,《美国联邦法规》第11 章第110.20条规定。通常,禁止外国人从事以下活动:
- Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
- 向任何联邦,州或地方各层级选举提供的任何金钱或其他有价值物的捐款或捐赠,或任何支出,独立支出或变相支付;
- Making any contribution or donation to any committee or organization of any national, state, district, or local political party (including donations to a party nonfederal account or office building account);
- 向任何联邦,州,地区或地方政党的任何委员会或组织提供任何捐款或捐赠(包括对党派非联邦账户或办公大楼账户的捐赠);
- Making any disbursement for an electioneering communication;
- 向某个竞选传播通讯支付;
- Making any donation to a presidential inaugural committee.
- 向某总统就职委员会捐款。
Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to an FEC enforcement action, criminal prosecution, or both.
The following groups and individuals are considered “foreign nationals” and are subject to the prohibition:
- Foreign citizens (not including dual citizens of the United States);
- 外国国籍公民(不包括具有双重国籍的美国公民);
- Immigrants who are not lawfully admitted for permanent residence;
- 不具备永久居留权的非合法移民;
- Foreign governments;
- 外国政府;
- Foreign political parties;
- 外国政党;
- Foreign corporations;
- 外国公司;
- Foreign associations;
- 外国协会组织;
- Foreign partnerships; and
- 外国合伙机构;以及
- Any other foreign principal, as defined at 22 U.S.C. § 611(b), which includes a foreign organization or “other combination of persons organized under the laws of or having its principal place of business in a foreign country.”
- 根据《美国法典》第22卷§611(b)条,所定义的任何其他外国组织,其中包括外国组织或“其他根据外国法律设立或主要营业地点位于国外的人员组合”。
Individuals: The “green card” exception
The Act does not prohibit individuals with permanent resident status (commonly referred to as “green card holders”) from making contributions or donations in connection with federal, state or local elections, as they are not considered foreign nationals.
Participation by foreign nationals in decisions involving election-related activities
Commission regulations prohibit foreign nationals from directing, dictating, controlling, or directly or indirectly participating in the decision-making process of any person (such as a corporation, labor organization, political committee, or political organization) with regard to any election-related activities. Such activities include, the making of contributions, donations, expenditures, or disbursements in connection with any federal or nonfederal elections in the United States, or decisions concerning the administration of any political committee. Foreign nationals are also prohibited from involvement in the management of a political committee, including any separate segregated fund (SSF), nonconnected committee, or the nonfederal accounts of any of these committees. See Explanation and Justification for 11 CFR 110.20 at 67 FR 69946 (November 19, 2002) [PDF].
本委员会法规禁止外国人参与任何与选举有关的活动指导,指示,控制或直接或间接参与任何人(例如公司,劳工组织,政治委员会或政治组织)的决策过程。此类活动包括与美国任何联邦或非联邦选举有关的捐款,捐赠,支出或支付,或有关任何政治委员会的行政管理的决定。还禁止外国人参与政治委员会的管理,包括任何单独的独立基金(SSF),非关联委员会或这些委员会中任何一个的非联邦帐户。请参见11 CFR 110.20条款的解释和理由,联邦电子查询编号67 FR 69946(2002年11月19日发布)。
The Commission has pursued a number of enforcement actions related to this prohibition. For example, in Matter Under Review (MUR) 3460, the Commission reached a conciliation agreement with a U.S. subsidiary of a foreign corporation and four of its foreign national directors. The directors, along with one director who was not a foreign national, passed a resolution authorizing a “contribution committee” to make political and charitable donations from a special account, and capitalizing the committee with $50,000 in corporate funds. The one director who was not a foreign national was appointed as the sole member of the committee. The contribution committee subsequently made contributions to state and local candidates. The foreign nationals’ involvement in the decision to establish and fund the “contribution committee” meant that its subsequent contributions violated the ban on foreign nationals participating directly or indirectly in the making of contributions and donations in connection with elections. The corporation and the foreign national directors paid a civil penalty.
Volunteer activity
Generally, an individual (including a foreign national) may volunteer personal services to a federal candidate or federal political committee without making a contribution. The Act provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone. The Commission has addressed applicability of this exemption to several situations involving volunteer activity by a foreign national, as explained below.
In AO 2014-20 (Make Your Laws PAC), the Commission concluded that a political action committee could accept assistance from a foreign national in developing intellectual property for the PAC, such as trademarks, graphics, and website design because the services accepted by the PAC would fall under the volunteer exemption. Similarly, in AO 2004-26 (Weller), the Commission held that a foreign national could attend, speak at campaign events for a federal candidate, and solicit contributions to the campaign. However, the Commission cautioned that the foreign national could not manage or participate in any of the campaign committee’s decision-making processes. See also AOs 2007-22 (Hurysz) and 1987-25 (Otaola).
在AO 2014-20(Make Your Laws PAC)中,本委员会得出结论认为,政治行动委员会可以接受外国人在为PAC开发知识产权(例如商标,图形和网站设计)方面的帮助,因为这些PAC所接受的服务属于志愿者豁免。同样,在AO 2004-26(Weller)中,本委员会认为,外国人可以在联邦候选人竞选的活动出席并发言,为竞选活动募集捐款。但是,委员会警示,外国人不能管理或参与竞选委员会的任何决策过程。另见AOs 2007-22(Hurysz)和1987-25(Otaola)。
In MUR 5987, the Commission examined a situation in which a foreign national provided an uncompensated musical concert performance as a volunteer for a federal candidate’s campaign as part of a fundraising event. The candidate’s campaign had paid all of the costs of hosting the concert, including the rental of the venue and equipment and providing security. The performer had merely provided his uncompensated volunteer services to the campaign and had not participated in any of the campaign’s decision-making. Based on these facts, the Commission found no reason to believe that the foreign national or the federal candidate’s committee had violated the Act’s foreign national prohibition.
在MUR 5987中,委员会审查了一种情况,在该情况下,作为募捐活动的一部分,外国人作为联邦候选人竞选活动的志愿者提供了无偿的音乐演奏。候选人的竞选活动已经支付了举办音乐会的所有费用,包括场地和设备的租赁以及提供安全保障等。表演者只是向竞选活动提供了他的无偿志愿服务,而没有参加竞选活动的任何决策。基于这些事实,委员会发现没有理由相信外国人或联邦候选人委员会违反了法案对外国人的禁令。
Non-election activity by foreign nationals
Despite the general prohibition on foreign national contributions and donations, foreign nationals may lawfully engage in political activity that is not connected with any election to political office at the federal, state, or local levels. The Commission has issued advisory opinions that help to define the parameters of that activity.
In AO 1989-32 (McCarthy), the Commission concluded that a foreign national could not contribute to a ballot measure committee that had coordinated its efforts with a nonfederal candidate’s re-election campaign. Also, in AO 1984-41 (National Conservative Foundation), the Commission allowed a foreign national to underwrite the broadcast of apolitical ads that attempted to expose the alleged political bias of the media. The Commission found that these ads were permissible because they were not “election influencing” in that they did not mention candidates, political offices, political parties, incumbent federal officeholders or any past or future election.
在AO 1989-32(McCarthy)中,委员会得出结论,外国人不可以向与非联邦候选人的连任竞选相关的投票提案委员会捐款。此外,在AO 1984-41(国家保守基金会)中,委员会允许外国人承销非政治性广告的播出,这些广告企图揭露所谓的媒体政治偏见。委员会发现这些广告是被允许的,因为它们没有“影响选举”–它们没有提及候选人,政治机构,政党,现任联邦公职人员或任何过去或将来的选举。
In a decision that was later affirmed by the Supreme Court, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the foreign national ban “does not restrain foreign nationals from speaking out about issues or spending money to advocate their views about issues. It restrains them only from a certain form of expressive activity closely tied to the voting process—providing money for a candidate or political party or spending money in order to expressly advocate for or against the election of a candidate.” Bluman v. FEC, 800 F. Supp. 2d 281, 290 (D.D.C. 2011), aff’d 132 S. Ct. 1087 (2012).
在联邦最高法院后来确认的一项决定中,美国哥伦比亚特区地方联邦法院裁定,外国人禁令“不限制外国人大声疾呼或花钱宣传他们对政治问题的看法。它只限制他们从事与投票程序密切相关的某种形式的表达活动,即为候选人或政党提供资金或为明示地支持或反对候选人的选举提供资金。” Bluman诉FEC,案卷:800F。 2d 281,290(D.D.C. 2011),ff d 132 S. Ct,1087(2012)。
Providing assistance with foreign national election activity
Under Commission regulations, it is unlawful to knowingly provide “substantial assistance” to foreign nationals making contributions or donations in connection with any U.S. election. Further, no person may provide substantial assistance in the making of any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement by a foreign national. “Substantial assistance” refers to active involvement in the solicitation, making, receipt or acceptance of a foreign national contribution or donation with the intent of facilitating the successful completion of the transaction. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to individuals who act as conduits or intermediaries. See Explanation and Justification for 11 CFR 110.20 at 67 FR 69945-46 (November 19, 2002).
根据委员会规定,明知向美国大选提供捐款或捐赠的外国人做出“实质性协助”是非法的。此外,任何人都不得在外国人进行任何支出,独立支出或支出时提供实质性帮助。 “实质性协助”是指积极参与对外国人的捐赠或捐赠的募集,作出,接受或接收,其目的是促进交易的成功完成。该禁止包括但不限于充当渠道或中介的个人。请参阅67 FR 69945-46(2002年11月19日)的11 CFR 110.20的解释和理由。
Soliciting, accepting, or receiving contributions and donations from foreign nationals
The Act prohibits knowingly soliciting, accepting or receiving contributions or donations from foreign nationals. In this context, “knowingly” means that a person:
- Has actual knowledge that the funds solicited, accepted, or received are from a foreign national;
- 知道实际情况,招募招揽,主动接受或被动接收的资金来自外国人;
- Is aware of facts that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the funds solicited, accepted, or received are likely to be from a foreign national; or
- 知道能让任何正常人确定,所招募招揽,主动接受或被动接收的资金可能来自外国人的事实;或
- Is aware of facts that would lead a reasonable person to inquire whether the source of the funds solicited, accepted or received is a foreign national.
- 知道会导致如何正常人质疑,所招募招揽,主动接受或被动接收资金来源是外国人的事实。
Pertinent facts that should cause the recipient of a contribution or donation to question whether it was given by a foreign national include, but are not limited to the following: a donor or contributor uses a foreign passport, provides a foreign address, makes a contribution from a foreign bank, or resides abroad. Commission regulations provide for a safe harbor: obtaining a copy of a current and valid U.S. passport would satisfy the duty to inquire whether the funds solicited, accepted, or received are from a foreign national.
In AO 2016-10 (Parker), the Commission determined that a U.S. citizen living abroad could solicit contributions on behalf of federal candidates and committees from other U.S. citizens residing abroad. She was required to ascertain the citizenship of the individuals whom she might solicit if she were aware of facts that would lead a reasonable person to inquire or believe that those individuals were foreign nationals. However, the Commission advised the requestor, “Limiting your solicitations to friends and family who live in the U.S. and who have not, to your knowledge, lived abroad, would not obligate you to conduct further inquiry about citizenship status due to the residence of the individuals whom you solicit.” If, however, she were to obtain a copy of a valid U.S. passport, she would be covered by the safe harbor provision noted above.
在AO 2016-10(Parker)中,委员会确定居住在国外的美国公民可以代表联邦候选人及其委员会向同样居住在国外的其他美国公民募集捐款。如果她知道有会导致正常人置疑或认为这些人是外国人的事实,那么她就被要求确认可能募集对象的公民身份。但是,委员会建议问询者:“将您的招募仅限于居住在美国的,且据您所知没有居住在国外的亲朋好友;由于招募对象的居住地,您没有义务进一步询问其公民身份。” 但是,如果她拥有有效的美国护照副本,则将受到上述安全港条款的保护。
In MUR 4834, an individual admitted knowingly and willfully soliciting a contribution from a foreign national and causing a foreign contribution to be made falsely in the name of a U.S. citizen. The individual also admitted that at the time of the solicitation, he knew that the person he was soliciting was a foreign national and that contributions from foreign nationals were prohibited. The Commission entered into a conciliation agreement with the individual, and he agreed to pay a civil penalty.
在MUR 4834中,某人故意并有意地招揽外国人,并错误地以美国公民的名义造成了外国捐款。此人还承认,在招揽时,他知道所招揽的人是外国人,且外国人捐款是被禁止的这一规定。因此委员会与此人达成了和解协议,他同意支付民事罚款。
In MUR 4638, the Commission found reason to believe that a law firm had violated the Act by knowingly solicited and provided “substantial assistance” to a foreign national making donations. Individuals at the firm participated in conversations with a known foreign national and his agents that resulted in his making donations to state and local candidates. As a result of the Commission’s finding, the firm entered into a conciliation agreement with the Commission and agreed to pay a civil penalty.
在MUR 4638中,委员会找到了理由,认为一家律师事务所故意招揽外国人并向其提供了“实质性协助”,从而违反了法案。律所的成员参与了和一位知名外国人及其代理人的沟通,从而使他向州和当地候选人捐款。根据委员会的调查结果,该律所与委员会达成了和解协议,并同意支付民事罚款。
Monitoring prohibited contributions
When a federal political committee (a committee active in federal elections) receives a contribution it believes may be from a foreign national, it must:
- Return the contribution to the donor without depositing it; or
- 不存入,将捐款交还给捐助者;或者
- Deposit the contribution and take steps to determine its legality, as described below.
- 存入捐款,并采取措施确定其合法性,下文将详述。
Either action must be taken within 10 days of the treasurer’s receipt.
If the committee decides to deposit the contribution, the treasurer must make sure that the funds are not spent because they may have to be refunded. Additionally, he or she must maintain a written record explaining why the contribution may be prohibited. The legality of the contribution must be confirmed within 30 days of the treasurer’s receipt, or the committee must issue a refund.
Evidence of legality may include a written statement from the contributor explaining why the contribution is legal (e.g., donor has a green card or provides a copy of his or her valid U.S. passport), or an oral explanation that is recorded in memorandum.
If the committee deposits a contribution that appears to be legal, but later discovers that the deposited contribution is from a foreign national, it must refund the contribution within 30 days of making the discovery. If a committee lacks sufficient funds to make a refund when a prohibited contribution is discovered, it must use the next funds it receives.
In MUR 4530 and several related MURs (MURs 4531, 4587, 4642, 4909, and 5295), the Commission found that several foreign nationals and corporations had made prohibited contributions to a federal candidate committee and to a national party committee. Several committees were assessed civil penalties for failing to issue refunds when they became aware that the funds were illegal.
在MUR 4530和几个相关的MUR(MUR 4531、4587、4642、4909和5295)中,本委员会发现,一些外国人和公司已经向联邦候选人委员会和全国性政党委员会违禁捐款。某些委员会因得知资金不合法而未能退款,最终受到民事处罚。
Domestic subsidiaries and foreign-owned corporations
A U.S. subsidiary of a foreign corporation or a U.S. corporation that is owned by foreign nationals or by a foreign parent corporation may be subject to the prohibition, as discussed further below.
PAC contributions for federal activity
Based on a series of FEC advisory opinions, domestic subsidiaries of foreign corporations may establish federal political action committees (known as separate segregated funds or SSFs) for the purpose of make federal contributions and expenditures, so long as:
- The foreign parent corporation does not finance the SSF’s establishment, administration, or solicitation costs through the subsidiary; and
- Individual foreign nationals:
- Do not participate in the operation of the PAC;
- Do not serve as officers of the PAC;
- Do not participate in the selection of persons who operate the PAC; and
- Do not make decisions regarding any PAC contributions or expenditures.
For example, in AO 2000-17 (Extendicare), the Commission determined that a U.S. subsidiary of a foreign corporation could establish an SSF even though the subsidiary’s board of three directors included only one U.S. citizen because the committee established to oversee all of the SSF’s operations comprised only U.S. citizens or permanent residents. See also AOs 2009-14 (Mercedes Benz USA/Sterling), 1999-28 (Bacardi-Martini), 1995-15 (Allison Engine PAC), and 1990-08 (CIT).
例如,在AO 2000-17(Extendicare)中,本委员会确定外国公司的美国子公司可以建立SSF,即便该子公司的三名董事仅包括一名美国公民,因为此委员会成立后负责监督SSF所有工作的,满足完全由美国公民或永久居民构成。另请参见AOs 2009-14(梅赛德斯奔驰美国/斯特林),1999-28(百加得-马蒂尼),1995-15(艾里逊发动机PAC)和1990-08(CIT)。
Corporate donations and disbursements for nonfederal activity
A domestic subsidiary of a foreign corporation (or a domestic corporation owned by foreign nationals) may make donations and disbursements in connection with state or local elections (if permissible under state and local law) provided that:
- These activities are not financed in any part by the foreign parent or owner; and
- 这些活动的任何部分都不由外国母公司或所有者资助;
- Individual foreign nationals are not involved in any way in the making of donations to nonfederal candidates and committees.
- 外国个人不以任何方式参与对非联邦候选人和委员会的捐赠。
For example, in AO 2006-15 (TransCanada), the Commission concluded that two wholly-owned U.S. subsidiaries of a foreign corporation could make donations and disbursements in connection with state and local elections so long as the funds used were generated by the U.S.-based subsidiary’s operations and not from the foreign parent and that all decisions regarding political donations would be made by U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Since the domestic subsidiaries maintained bank accounts in the U.S. that were separate from the foreign parent and did not receive subsidies from the foreign parent or from any other foreign national, the Commission concluded that the proposal was permitted under the Act.
例如,在AO 2006-15(TransCanada)中,委员会得出结论,外国公司的两家全资美国子公司可以向州和地方选举进行捐赠和支出,只要所用资金是由美国本土分支机构的业务所赚取,而不是来自外国母公司的业务,且所有有关政治捐赠的决定都由美国公民或永久居民做出。由于国内子公司在美国开设的银行账户是与外国母公司的分开的,并且没有收到外国母公司或任何其他外国人的补贴,因此本委员会得出结论认为,法案允许该计划落实。
Similarly, in AO 1992-16 (Nansay Hawaii, Inc.), the Commission considered a situation in which a foreign parent corporation provided “regular subsidies [to its domestic subsidiary] in the form of loans or [donations] to capital…” The Commission determined that the domestic subsidiary could make state and local donations, provided that all decisions as to political donations were made by U.S. citizens or permanent residents and also that the subsidiary be able to demonstrate through a reasonable accounting method that it had sufficient funds in its account (other than funds given or loaned by its foreign national parent) from which the donations were made. The Commission explicitly cautioned that, “[t]he amount that the foreign parent distributes to the subsidiary cannot replenish all or any portion of the subsidiary’s political [donations] during the period since the preceding subsidy payment.”
与此相似,在AO 1992-16(Nansay Hawaii,Inc.)中,委员会审议了一种情况,一家外国母公司以“贷款或[捐赠]形式 [向其美国国内子公司]的“常规补贴”……”。本委员会确定该国内子公司可以进行州和地方捐赠,但前提是所有有关政治捐赠的决定均由美国公民或永久居民做出,并且该子公司能够通过合理的会计方法证明其捐款帐户(由其外国母公司提供或借出的资金除外)拥有足够的资金。委员会明确警示:“自上次补贴付款以来,外国母公司分配给子公司的金额不能用于补充子公司的全部或任何部分政治捐款。”
In contrast, in AO 1989-20 (Kuilima Development Company, Inc.), the Commission declined to approve a U.S. company’s plan to donate to state and local candidates using a funded primarily by donations from its foreign parent corporation. The Commission held that this arrangement was prohibited by the Act and Commission regulations. See also AOs 1989-29 (GEM of Hawaii, Inc.), 1985-03 (Diridon), and 1982-10 (Syntex).
相反,在AO 1989-20(Kuilima Development Company,Inc.)中,委员会拒绝批准一家美国公司使用主要由其外国母公司捐赠的资金向州和当地候选人捐款的计划。委员会认为法案和委员会法规禁止这种安排。请参见AO 1989-29(Hawaii,Inc。),1985-03(Diridon)和1982-10(Syntex)。
In MUR 2892, the Commission entered into conciliation agreements with a number of respondents, including foreign individuals and businesses, who agreed to pay civil penalties for violations of the Act that involved prohibited contributions made to state and local candidates through U.S. corporations owned by foreign corporations or by foreign individuals. In this particular case, the Commission found reason to believe that the donations in question violated the foreign national prohibition because they were allegedly financed directly by the foreign parent/owner or because individual foreign nationals were allegedly involved in making decisions concerning the contributions. (See also MURs 2864 and 3004.)
在MUR 2892中,委员会与包括外国个人和企业在内的许多调查对象达成了和解协议,涉及通过外国公司拥有的美国公司向州和地方候选人提供了禁止性捐款。或由外国个人提供,他们同意因违反法案而受到民事处罚。在这种特殊情况下,本委员会有理由认为,有关捐款违反了外国人禁令,因为这些所谓捐款是直接由外国父母/所有者出资的,或者是所谓的外国人参与了有关捐款的决定。 (另请参见MUR 2864和3004。)
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Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation
EIN: 47-3798752
39510 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Suite 310,
Fremont, CA 94538
Email: info@svcaf.org
Phone: (650) 285-1819