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编者按:Mr. Haibo Huang is one of the recipients of SVCAF’s Voice of Chinese Americans Award. He published an op ed about ACA-5 in San Diego Union Tribune on June 9th. Here is his unabridged article in both English and Chinese.
ACA-5 is a Wolf-in-Sheep’s-Clothing
ACA-5, 一只披着羊皮的狼
ACA-5 seeks to repeal Prop 209 under the guise of “Affirmative Action”, “Equality” and/or “Diversity”. Like its predecessors SCA5 and AB1726, it seeks proportional representation, a.k.a. “racial balancing”, a patently unconstitutional goal under the California and the U.S. constitutions. Thereby, the California constitution must be amended to make way.
ACA-5 以“平权行动”,“平等”和/或“多元化”等美丽字眼为幌子提议废除(1996年通过的)209号加州宪法修正案。像其前身SCA5和AB1726一样,它真正寻求的是比例代表制,又称“种族平衡”。这样做明显违反加利福尼亚和美国宪法,因此,加州宪法本身必须被修改以为其让路。
The phrase Affirmative Action originated in President Kennedy’s Executive Order 10925 in 1961 and in President Johnson’s Executive Order 11246 in 1965. The exact original words are: “Take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.” The focus is to stop discrimination using racial criteria, a goal ACA-5 seeks to revoke by repealing Prop 209. The so-called “Affirmative Action” ACA-5 seeks is to change “without regard to” into “must consider” race in all government decisions. Through such a “bait and switch” tactic, ACA-5 spins “Affirmative Action” on its head to accomplish the exact opposite. It also spins the concept of “equal opportunity” by equating it to “equal outcome”, presented deceptively as “Affirmative Action”, “Equality” and/or “Diversity”. Who would be so audacious, unreasonable, reactionary and repugnant as to oppose such noble ideals? Under the resplendent cloth masquerades the ravening wolf of “racial preference”.
平权行动起源于1961年肯尼迪总统签署的10925号行政命令和1965年约翰逊总统签署的11246号行政命令。确切的原文是:“采取平权行动,以确保应聘者申请工作过程中,以及在被雇用期间所享受的待遇不受其种族,肤色,宗教,性别或国籍因素的影响。” 重点是要停止因使用种族标准而产生的歧视,ACA-5旨在通过废除第209号提案来销毁该目标。ACA-5寻求的所谓“平权行动”是在所有的政府决定中将种族因素从“不考虑”变为“必须考虑”。通过这种“偷梁换柱”策略,ACA-5打着“平权行动”的幌子以达到完全相反的效果。它还将“机会均等”的概念与“结果均等”划等号,欺骗性地将其等同成”平权行动“,“平等”和“多元化”。对于这样金字招牌包装下的“崇高理想”又有谁敢对它大胆妄议,批评和反对呢?于是,“种族优先”之实的恶狼就藏在伪善的羊皮底下悄无声息地来到了羊群之中,谁是它饥肠辘辘肚子里的下一餐呢?
San Diego Asian Americans for Equality (SDAAFE) firmly supports Johnson/Kennedy Affirmative Action and opposes the anti-affirmative-action attempt of the ACA-5 authors to bring back race into government decisions. We support the compassionate ideal of helping socioeconomically underprivileged people of any race without regard to race, for which no constitutional amendment is needed. Race is a forbidden classification for good reason, because it demeans the dignity and worth of a person to be judged by ancestry instead of his or her own merit and essential qualities. Racial preference is not transformed from ‘patently unconstitutional’ into a compelling state interest simply by relabeling it ‘racial diversity’. The Equal Protection Clause commands the elimination of racial barriers, not their creation in order to satisfy our theory as to how society ought to be organized. As Chief Justice John Roberts put it succinctly: “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
圣地亚哥亚裔平权会(SDAAFE)坚决支持约翰逊/肯尼迪原版的平权行动,坚决反对ACA-5作者盗版并偷梁换柱将种族优先重新合法化的反平权行动。我们支持那博爱和“帮助任何种族里社会经济地位低下的人群”的崇高理念。这种理念不分种族,根本无需修宪即可执行。宪法禁止以种族因素作为分类标准是很有道理的,因为它根据一个人的肤色和祖先,而不是个人的基本素质和贡献所来决定其社会价值是对个人价值和尊严的侮辱。简单的贴上“种族多样性”的标签是不能将明显违宪的种族优先概念伪装成重要的国家利益。美国宪法第十四条《平等保护条款》要求消除已有的种族障碍,而不是通过人为设置新的种族优先障碍来满足我们对公义社会的理解和渴望。正如首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨(John Roberts)所说:“禁止种族歧视最好方法就是禁止用种族的眼光来区别对待所有事情。”
Racial preference passes over better qualified candidates for schools or government jobs based on innate characteristics a person cannot change. It papers over deep-rooted social problems, condemning under-privileged kids of all races to a permanent cycle of dysfunctional schools and compromising academic missions in the long run. It seeks to disregard rules and standards by rigging the outcome for the “chosen people,” not unlike the ongoing college admissions scandal. It unpatriotically hurts American competitiveness in this age of global economy. President Barack Obama also recognized that we Americans are not living in a bubble. In his commencement speech to the historically black Morehouse College students on May 19th, 2013, he told the aspiring graduates “…in today’s hyperconnected, hypercompetitive world, with a billion young people from China and India and Brazil entering the global workforce alongside you, nobody is going to give you anything you haven’t earned. And whatever hardships you may experience because of your race, they pale in comparison to the hardships previous generations endured and overcome.”
种族优先会使资历条件最合格的人选因个人无法改变的先天特征而失去入学或在政府工作的机会。它掩盖了根深蒂固的社会问题,迫使所有种族的弱势群体的孩子们永远接受劣等学校的教育,从而坑害国家的发展和教育大业。它试图无视规则和标准而为 “被拣选的人”篡改结果,这与最近震惊全美的大学入学丑闻有什么不同?在这个全球经济时代,这样做就是挥刀自宫美国的竞争力。奥巴马总统很早就认识到,我们美国人并非只生活在自己的圈子里。早在2013年5月19日,他在对历史悠久的黑人学校莫尔豪斯学院学生的致辞中,就对有抱负的毕业生说:“…在当今这个高度互联,竞争激烈的世界中,来自中国,印度和巴西的十亿年轻人与你们一起进入全球劳动力市场,如果你没有本事,你就会被淘汰。别整天为你们由于种族因素而经历的种种困难而叫苦。你们经历的困难与前几代人所曾经忍受和并且已经克服的困难相比,根本算不上啥。”
Judging people by their skin color is morally repugnant. Equal opportunity is referenced to individual merits, it never guarantees equal results. To the contrary, enforcing equal outcomes regardless of qualification and effort bears the hallmark of Communism. Racial preference fosters victimhood, removing any incentive to excel. It also stigmatizes the “beneficiaries”, degrading the perceived worth of their qualifications in the eyes of others. Even the leading liberal Justice of the 1970s, Justice William O. Douglas, admonished that “All races can compete fairly at all professional levels. So far as race is concerned, any state-sponsored preference to one race over another in that competition is in my view ‘invidious’ and violative of the Equal Protection Clause.”
以肤色取人在道德上令人不齿。机会均等是以个人能力为标准而不是以结果相同为标准。相反,若无论资历和努力如何,结果都是一样的,则是搞共产主义。“种族优先”会滋生被害臆想,磨灭追求卓越的动力。它也给所谓的“受益人”蒙上污名,使其资历价值被别人看低。就连70年代的自由主义者先驱大法官威廉·道格拉斯(William O. Douglas)法官也告诫道:“所有种族都可以靠自己在所有职业中公平竞争。就种族而言,在我看来,任何被国家和州政府优先对待的种族,都会因“享受特权”而被人憎恶,因为这违反了 (宪法十四条修正案)《平等保护条款》。”
True diversity is the diversity of ideas, the celebration of our differences; it is not clumsy attempts to equalize everything. If the United States is a melting pot, why is it necessary to identify each ingredient? More than half a century ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously proclaimed, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” He must be rolling in his grave!
真正的多样性是思想的多样性,是尊重并拥抱我们的差异;而非盲目肤浅地追求大同社会。如果美国是一个大熔炉,为什么必须天天识别大熔炉里的每种成分来区别对待?早在半个多世纪以前,马丁·路德·金博士就在著名的演讲中说:“我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将生活在一个不是以他们的肤色,而是以他们的品格优劣来评判他们的国度里。” 看到ACA-5披着“平等公义”的羊皮,干着种族优先的勾当,还挂上他的招牌, 估计金博士急得要从棺材里蹦出来了。
I have a dream. Do you?
Dr. Haibo Huang
黄海波 博士
Co-founder, SDAAFE
SDAAFE 联合创始人之一
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Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation
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39510 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Suite 310,
Fremont, CA 94538
Email: info@svcaf.org
Phone: (650) 285-1819