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- [Action!] SVCAF Calls for Santa Clara Voters to Oppose Unjustified Voting Adjudication
- 【行动!】请致信给圣县参事禁止对Under Vote进行人工裁决
- Harvard Amicus Brief Filed by SVCAF
- CFER, SVCAF Call for Equal Treatment and Unity in Response to Rising Anti-Asian Crimes
- SVCAF Condemns ADOS for Sabotaging a Racial Equality Movement
- Asian American Coalition Condemns California Asian American Legislators’ Scapegoating All Children for Votes
- Asian American Coalition Calls on Democrat Senator Richard Pan to Oppose Legislation Prioritizing Racial Preference
- Mask4Seniors Happening Again!
- SVCAF Urging for Immediate Actions for COVID-19 Pandemic
- 2020新年伊始,SVCA 基金会祝您元旦快乐,健康平安!
- SVCA基金会2019年会报告
- End Racial Discrimination: Lawsuit at Critical Juncture
- SVCA基金会荣获州众议员Baker颁发的“Non-Profit of the Month”奖
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SVCAF announces a new program to recognize Chinese Americans who publish influential articles which help advance the mission of SVCAF. A recipient of this award will get a certificate and a small honorarium.
- The articles are related to at least one of the items listed in SVCAF’s mission statement: The Foundation shall advance better integration of Chinese communities in Silicon Valley and its neighboring areas into the U.S. society by:
- providing education to Chinese communities on legal and political systems in California and the nation;
- encouraging active civic engagement and political participation by Chinese communities; and
- promoting recognition of Chinese communities’ contributions.
- Due to restrictions on 501(c)3, the articles should be non-partisan. Nor can they be tied to any election campaigns.
- The articles should be first published within the past six months at the time of the nomination.
- The articles can be written in either English or Chinese.
How to Nominate An Article
If you think you have found an article meeting our criteria above, please send us (info@svcaf.org ) your nomination with the following information:
- Email title: Nomination for VCAA
- Email body:
- The link to the article to be nominated
- The name of the author and
- The author’s contact information (email, phone number, wechat ID, etc.).
Self-nomination is allowed and encouraged.
Sponsor this Award
If you would like to donate to us to support this award, please click on the link below: https://www.svcaf.org/donations/ . In your donation message, please mention the keyword VCAA so we will use your donations to fund this award.
Recipients of the Award
- 2020/06/29 凌飞《美国公校的左派历史教育对华二代的恶劣后果》, Certificate pdf.
- 2020/06/30 Kenny Xu, Dropping SAT from college admissions hurts minorities in the name of wokeness, Certificate pdf.
- 2020/06/30 谢滨《加州到底应该赔偿谁?》, Certificate pdf.
- 2020/06/30 Haibo Huang, Commentary: Why California should keep Prop. 209, which prohibits state institutions from considering race , Certificate pdf.
Contact Info
Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation
EIN: 47-3798752
39510 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Suite 310,
Fremont, CA 94538
Email: info@svcaf.org
Phone: (650) 285-1819