- About
- Education
- Projects
- Donations
- Announcements
- [Action!] SVCAF Calls for Santa Clara Voters to Oppose Unjustified Voting Adjudication
- 【行动!】请致信给圣县参事禁止对Under Vote进行人工裁决
- Harvard Amicus Brief Filed by SVCAF
- CFER, SVCAF Call for Equal Treatment and Unity in Response to Rising Anti-Asian Crimes
- SVCAF Condemns ADOS for Sabotaging a Racial Equality Movement
- Asian American Coalition Condemns California Asian American Legislators’ Scapegoating All Children for Votes
- Asian American Coalition Calls on Democrat Senator Richard Pan to Oppose Legislation Prioritizing Racial Preference
- Mask4Seniors Happening Again!
- SVCAF Urging for Immediate Actions for COVID-19 Pandemic
- 2020新年伊始,SVCA 基金会祝您元旦快乐,健康平安!
- SVCA基金会2019年会报告
- End Racial Discrimination: Lawsuit at Critical Juncture
- SVCA基金会荣获州众议员Baker颁发的“Non-Profit of the Month”奖
- Annual Reports
- Contact Us

We will need your:
0. To be a California based hospital, senior center or essential local business.
1. Legal Disclaimer (liability release form)
2. Verifiable Title and Contacts
3.Receipt 4.Pictures with donated PPE
In order to qualify for donations from SVCAF, we require a legal disclaimer to be provided before hand, otherwise, we are afraid that we can’t help.
Please download the template here.
Please Sign and send the disclaimer via your hospital or clinic’s office email with your title and contacts (If it’s before the donation and you are not sure about the quantity of donated PPE, please fill in the space of Type x Quantity as ‘See receipt’), so that we can verify your identity.
Due to limited resources and the fluid China/US custom situation, things are changing very fast and many medical personnel are rushing in with requests. We advise you to get the disclaimer to us ASAP or else your organization might miss out.
We also give priority to those who may have direct contact with CoVid 19 patients or suspects.
Emails should be sent to volunteers at SVCAF: projectstronger2020@gmail.com
Upon receiving the donated gifts, we will also need you to send the three of us an receipt indicating how many and what kind of PPEs are received on what date. Signed by recipient.
In addition, please take a picture of the donated PPEs with yourself and if possible your coworkers, so that we can report and document our contributions to be accountable to our donors.
The pictures you provide us will also be used by us for publicity.
A tweet or FB post with the hashtag #StrongerTogether will be greatly appreciated, as we want to more people to get involved in this effort!
To make donation to support our continuous effort, please refer to: https://www.svcaf.org/strongertogether
And we do not re-sell any of our PPEs, please do not ask.

Note: Due to the limit of our resources (funding, man power, supply, logistics etc.) , we can only try to help part of the hospitals and essential businesses in (mainly north) California state. If you are care giver out side of California, please try to contact local groups for help. Thank you for your understanding.
Contact Info
Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation
EIN: 47-3798752
39510 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Suite 310,
Fremont, CA 94538
Email: info@svcaf.org
Phone: (650) 285-1819