- About
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- [Action!] SVCAF Calls for Santa Clara Voters to Oppose Unjustified Voting Adjudication
- 【行动!】请致信给圣县参事禁止对Under Vote进行人工裁决
- Harvard Amicus Brief Filed by SVCAF
- CFER, SVCAF Call for Equal Treatment and Unity in Response to Rising Anti-Asian Crimes
- SVCAF Condemns ADOS for Sabotaging a Racial Equality Movement
- Asian American Coalition Condemns California Asian American Legislators’ Scapegoating All Children for Votes
- Asian American Coalition Calls on Democrat Senator Richard Pan to Oppose Legislation Prioritizing Racial Preference
- Mask4Seniors Happening Again!
- SVCAF Urging for Immediate Actions for COVID-19 Pandemic
- 2020新年伊始,SVCA 基金会祝您元旦快乐,健康平安!
- SVCA基金会2019年会报告
- End Racial Discrimination: Lawsuit at Critical Juncture
- SVCA基金会荣获州众议员Baker颁发的“Non-Profit of the Month”奖
- Annual Reports
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2019年2月9日星期六晚上,硅谷华人协会基金会在 Santa Clara 的状元楼举行年会,与大约150位会员和社会各界朋友联谊,汇报工作,展望新的一年。
出席的嘉宾包括:加州众议员朱感生(Kansen Chu)、前加州众议员Catharine Baker、Fremont市长高叙加(Lily Mei)、副市长Raj Salwan、市议员邵阳,、Cupertino议员Darcy Paul、Cupertino学区委员Jerry Liu、前学区委员潘欣欣、San Jose第10区市前议员Johnny Khamis、FUHSD学区委员Rosa Kim、前学区委员Hung Wei和Homer Tong、Orchard学区委员Jeff Tang等。
年会由基金会理事Lily Ding主持,回顾了基金会2018年开展的各项服务华裔社区的公益活动。例如:
— Fought against commercialization of recreational marijuana in Contra Costa County;
— Fought against Asian disaggregation in FHUSD school registration;
— Supported Asian Americans of Rhode Island and Massachusetts in their fight against legislature of Asian-American disaggregation;
— SVCAF board members joined 2018 COMMUNITY LEADERS FORUM of White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Washington D.C. on 5/17;
— Organized annual summer rafting as community outreach on 7/15;
— Supported SFFA: Called for donations from the Asian American community and provided $1,5000 matching fund;
— Hosted the 2nd Edward Blum Forum in Evergreen on 8/25. More than 500 persons attended.
— Attended Boston Rally to support SFFA’s lawsuit against Harvard on 10/13;
— Established the Voice of Asian Americans Scholarship on 12/08.
特邀嘉宾UCLA法学教授 Rick Sander 给大家做了关于加州大学违反加州宪法,继续在大学录取过程中推行种族倾斜政策的报告。他正在跟UC打官司,状告他们入学歧视亚裔。他的案子对咱们加州举足轻重,请大家多多关注和支持。
基金会的老朋友加州前众议员 Catharine Baker 回顾和我们的多年友谊,感谢我们的支持和对社区的贡献。
年会的最后,我们表彰了 SVCAF “Voice of Asian Americans” Scholarship 的两位获得者:Isabella Chow, Nathaniel Yu。每人获得2000美元的奖学金和相应的奖状。该奖学金奖励积极参与社区事务,敢于在热点问题上发表自己独立见解的在校高中学生和大学生。如果您知道这样的学生,请向我们推荐。

基金会也获得加州众议院议员 Kansen Chu、Fremont City Coucil, Cupertion City Council的表彰,他们盛赞基金会的义工们对社区的各种贡献。
Kansen Chu夫妇刚下飞机专程赶过来给SVCAF颁奖,并且给SVCAF选中的两位亚裔之声的获奖大学生颁奖,他能够这么旗帜鲜明地表彰华裔保守派孩子,是很令人钦佩的。
Fremont市长高叙加、副市长Raj Salwan和市议员邵阳也特意来给SVCAF颁奖:
库市议员Darcy Paul,律师出身。他带领CUSD 和 FUHSD 历届学委给SVCAF颁奖:
本次聚餐插入了独唱歌曲 , 古筝等表演节目,让活动增色不少。
最后,我们引用一段名言与基金会的会员、朋友们共勉: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
如果您赞同我们的理念,喜欢我们的行动,请加入我们的义工队伍或者捐款。具体信息见: https://www.svcaf.org/?page_id=2515
聚餐更多详情请参考当日播放的Slides 2019 Annual Gala Presentation:
义工Tom Liu拍下的更多现场照片:
Contact Info
Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation
EIN: 47-3798752
39510 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Suite 310,
Fremont, CA 94538
Email: info@svcaf.org
Phone: (650) 285-1819